How it all began...
It all began with an idea for a Christmas tree stand. In a previous life, Stephen Vincent was an engineer. It occurred to him one day that he could design and make a better quality stand than the one sitting in his front room – so he did.

How we started..
Many product ideas quickly followed the Christmas tree stand. Stephen and his wife Bridget together founded the trade arm of our company on 25th April 1990, supplying their own designed and manufactured products to garden centres.
How it’s going...
In 2006, Garden Xtras, the retail arm of our business, was founded, allowing us to sell items directly to consumers online. This developed into us exhibiting at Garden Shows and creating our first mail order catalogue. This period also saw the next generation of the Vincent family come on board, with Bridget and Stephen’s children, Maxine and Oliver, joining the company as Managing Director and Head of Online Retail respectively.

How we lasted...
Home & Garden Extras has thrived since 1990 thanks to our knowledge of the garden industry, our commitment to customer service, and the outstanding quality of our products. As a family-run business, we have been able to pass our knowledge and values down to the next generation, who are now carrying the company into the future.